Category Archives: USB Flash Drive Factory China
The Top 3 Best Selling USB Flash Drives China Factory
Utility, price, customization and values. Our daily experience as specialists in corporate USB customization leads us to be able to affirm that these four characteristics are the most valued when deciding on a corporate USB. In the top 3 of the best-selling USBs as personalized gifts we find clear examples of this statement.
The good price of the twister, the maximum customization of the USB Credit Card and the ecological principles of the USB with wooden casing are the clear confirmation that these four elements are essential, and today we want to explain why. Here are the keys to success for the three best-selling USBs of our China USB Flash drive Factory Take note!
Cheap USB Flash Drive Twister With Logo China Suppliers
It is the king of custom USBs, and the first of the best-selling USBs. Neither the most expensive, nor the most exclusive nor the most surprising. A classic USB memory that, however, offers a huge list of advantages for those companies that choose it as a corporate gift for their clients and employees. The custom USB Twister model is the star in terms of value for money. That offers? Multiple benefits. To begin with, it is a cheap flash drive, with a price that does not even exceed two and a half euros, and that is one of its great attractions for marketing departments to opt for it.
In addition to being a shared and quality USB, the rotating system of the casing allows maximum protection for the end with USB connection, so that it can be easily transported in a pocket or bag without the risk of being damaged. On the other hand, and in addition to a large surface on which to print the logo, the customization of both pieces (USB and casing) is maximum to the point of combining their colors to suit each one, thanks to the exclusive customization system of The USB Factory , the new Twister custom. Brilliant!
USB Credit Card Flash Drive China Manufacturers
We have been saying this for a long time, and it seems that companies and users are also clear about it. USB memory cards are another of the best-selling USB models. They are special insofar as the surface to be personalized is maximum, and double-sided. It is a type of external memory that is used mainly as an element for storing and distributing images and special moments such as school excursions, weddings and baptisms, or company events, so one of the most chosen options is to personalize the surface of the card with one or two of the most representative images of that event or that special occasion, since both sides are customizable. The price is also another of its great attractions for it to become one of the best-selling USBs, as well as its shape and size: the USB Flash Drive Credit card is so thin that it can be carried anywhere, even in purses, briefcases or a pocket.
Wooden USB Flash Drives China Factory
There is a type of public and companies that are increasingly aware of the ecological cause and with actions that are respectful of nature and the environment. For them, and so that they can be faithful to their principles in an increasingly consumerist and carefree world, custom USB sticks with wooden casings are their ideal option. And the third best-selling USB model in the custom gift market. Our greener personalized flash drives have a casing made from FSC-certified wood, which guarantees that this wood comes from sustainable forests. Sustainability, exclusivity and principles for an external memory model with a price for all budgets.
How to properly charge a powerbank?
To have our Smartphone or tablet full of energy, it is necessary to have our external battery in perfect condition beforehand to use it. It seems easy or a simple matter of memory (remembering to do it) and that’s it, but think about it, do you know how to achieve an optimal result? Today we will explain how to properly charge a powerbank. So you can live in peace without fear of being unable to use it at the most inopportune moment.
Power banks or external batteries have become a fundamental gadget in recent years. The charges of our mobiles or tablets rarely last 24 hours in a row (except when the device is very new), and if we are away from home we usually want to have our device at any time.
Some time ago we told you about the tips to keep in mind when you want to buy a powerbank. A concept to take into account and related to the issue of charging is the capacity in milliamps (mAh). This data will tell us how many gadgets we can load and/or how many times. For example, mobiles have a battery capacity that is measured with these parameters, the most modern have about 3000 mAh and the oldest 1000. So a battery with a capacity of 7200 mAh will allow us to charge two phones or one twice before recharge.
China Factory Of Powerbanks With Company Logo
Powerbanks usually carry some kind of indicator that shows us the battery level. Normally there are four LED lights that each equals 25% of the total capacity. A first step when getting started with these gadgets is to first read the manual (it’s worth doing). In it, it will tell us if it is convenient to charge the device before its first use or better to take advantage of the amount of energy that comes from our factory in China.
If your model does not have lights or has fewer lights, the most reliable way is to calculate according to the mAh of your powerbank and your gadgets to be charged. Although keep in mind that if it is an old external battery it will have lost part of its original capacity, but you can still get an idea.
When we charge, it is not necessary to connect the powerbank to the current until it is full of energy. It is enough that it reaches 80% of its capacity (approximately) in order to ensure a longer and better useful life for the gadget. Similarly, it is not good to let it fall below 25% full charge before plugging it into the power. Remember that we are speaking as a general rule, if it happens once or twice, it will not generate much damage.
The charging frequency will obviously be marked by its use. But if you don’t use your external battery often, a good tip is to charge it every 2 or 3 months. When you don’t use it, you will see that it is downloading little by little. When you are going to do it, check first of all the charge level to know how far you have to recharge it.
Whether you use it often or from time to time, the charging time of a powerbank is long. It is far from other gadgets for daily use such as a Smartphone or smartwatch. As always, it will depend on the model you have. The most common models usually take between 2 and 10 hours to complete their charge. The exact amount will depend on your mAh capacity. We are not only referring to the total but to the load capacity that is measured in amps (which usually ranges between 1.0 and 3.0).
Also, many power banks have multiple USB ports for charging. If you want to know which one is the fastest, it will be the one with a higher amp capacity. Although be careful, if you use a charger other than the one supplied by the manufacturer or of low quality, as it can damage the gadget.
Another fundamental advice for charging, it is better to connect it to a plug that goes to the current than to do it to the computer via a USB cable. If we connect it to a computer, the charging time will take much longer than it would normally.

leather power bank with logo china manufacturers
In Our China Factory of powerbanks the useful life of each model if used intensively can be between one and a half and three and a half years; or what is the same, between 300 and 1000 charging cycles. If you follow these tips, you will get closer to the top of this time frame.
All these tips can be included in your promotional campaign if you are going to give away a powerbank. The recipients will appreciate knowing how to properly handle this gadget and extend its useful life. This information can be included as a pdf within the device itself or distributed in physical format with a leaflet or similar.
And of course these are generic recommendations but it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions at all times.
As you can see, knowing how to correctly charge a powerbank makes it an even more attractive gadget. We hope the information has been useful to you. As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We also leave the comments open for you to comment on any aspect you deem appropriate.
Three Ways USB Flash Drives Can Help the Environment
It is increasingly necessary that we all contribute to the health of the planet. Luckily, more and more initiatives are appearing on how to contribute to sustainability, also in a sector with a certain reputation for being harmful to the environment, such as technological gadgets. For this reason, today we want to explain three ways in which various USB gadgets can help the environment.
Wooden USB Flash Drives help protect forests but use them well
We start with one of the obvious ones: saving paper. Since you use flash drives, surely you no longer use so much paper in your workday. It is no longer necessary to print documents, you save them on a USB memory and you can read them when it is more convenient for you. So the equation is simple: the less printed document, the less environmental impact for the forests that are the lungs of the planet.
Of course, it is important to take into account that the documents that you prepare to be read on a screen are prepared for it. In other words, they have an attractive design to make reading comfortable, they allow some interactivity so that they are not unstoppable bricks… If not, you can make a person spend more time online to read a document than if they did it on paper. If this happens, the CO2 emissions derived from the time that is connected could increase.
ECO USB Flash Drive Factory in China
wooden USB are a good way to contribute to sustainability. Along the lines of its older sisters, flash drives help reduce the number of documents we carry with us. Also, the files that can be included in them should be relevant. For example, you can make a combo and include in the gadget additional data on how your company is involved in protecting the environment: with a video, or a document that provides relevant figures.
It is about offering content that is practical and/or of interest to customers. In short, comply with one of the fundamental commandments of corporate gifts. Another of the advantages of Wooden USB Flash Drives China Factory is that, due to their size, they imply significant material savings, which also contributes to consuming less and thus creating a more sustainable society.
A good sustainable material for your USB stick
In fact, you can bet on sustainable materials for your USB memories, it is not an exclusive question of cards. In recent times, options have emerged that make it possible to align perfectly with the values of sustainability. There is a whole line of ecological flash drives.
If you don’t know these gadgets, you are surely wondering what is an ecological USB memory made of? Well, you can find models made with wood —it is important that they have FSC certification because it is a guarantee that their production has been sustainable. Another alternative is bamboo, and if you really want to surprise your customers, try a bamboo, corn, wheat cane or recycled cardboard model. In short, any biodegradable material guarantees you reduce the impact on the environment.
Recycling is gaining ground to provide materials for corporate gifts. In the field of USB memories, we find options such as flash drives made with reused plastic. It should also be noted that these raw materials are used to make the shell of the removable memory. Take another thing into account: not only the material matters, but also the manufacturing techniques.
Also, if you carefully review the models, you will see that these USB Flash Drives are not only original because of the material with which their casings are made. His designs are really striking; such as, for example, one in the shape of a box, another that looks like a key, bottle caps…
Of course, in all these ecological options you can choose other customization options so that it aligns perfectly with your brand image. For example, there are models that you can customize with an interesting range of colors. Various marking techniques can also be used to put your logo and/or the claim of your campaign. Therefore, they have nothing to envy to other corporate gifts within their range and they fit perfectly with your campaign.
So, reducing the consumption of paper and other sustainable materials are two pillars that can help you decide on a sustainable USB. These gadgets help you show yourself as a company concerned about sustainability, one of the big issues that affect our society today. With the small steps that each one of us takes, we will surely complete a great path. And if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Amazing things you can do with USB Flash Drives From China
As we know, we are customs usb flash drives chinese manufacturers and we think that the usb sticks are a splendid gift for customers since it is a scarce product in offices and is perceived as a high-cost product. By giving away these personalized usb drives, the customer feels happy and is more likely to buy the company’s products or at least to remember its name. However, what the client does not know is everything that can be done with these flash drives that have been given to them. You simply use it to save files and share them from one computer to another – that is the most common way of using custom usb sticks, it is worth saying – however, there are many other fun and original things that can be done with these custom sticks and that We are sure you do not know.
Take your games anywhere, saved on your usb stick
Computer games consume a large space on the hard drives of our computers. However, there is a possibility that during the installation of one of these computer games, the installation will be carried out directly on the removable usb drive. Currently, most USB flash drives to give away have more than 2Gb of memory, with which many games could be installed directly on this external memory. Imagine giving your customers a personalized USB that includes a saved game inside, and apart from being able to save the data you need, you can also – if the occasion requires it – play a fun game quickly anywhere just by placing the pendrive in the usb port.
Use customs usb that you have been given as a time capsule
Sometimes the personalized pen drives that they give us do not have enough capacity to want to want to use it or carry it with them (for example, 512Mb USB memories). What we propose is that you turn your USB flash drive into a time capsule, that is, save documents, photographs, videos,… everything that has happened to you during a year and deliberately lose that memory in one of the drawers of your memory. House. You will see how after a few years when you clean those drawers and find the USB memory at the bottom, you will be surprised! Not only when you see the USB memory that you didn’t even remember, but also when you see the photos and documents that you had saved.
Fix a computer that is infected by a Virus
The personalized usb that companies give away can also be used to save a computer that has been filled with strange viruses and is not working properly. Even in cases where the computer cannot be restarted correctly, because the viruses do not allow us to run any antivirus program. In order to disinfect the computer, you can install an antivirus program directly on the usb stick (a program like AVG Rescue), and then use it as a boot port, which will allow us to automatically run the antivirus from the usb stick and thus be able to scan the files, identify the viruses and delete them completely. You can see how to carry out this process in the following link.
Protect private information and keep it safe
A USB memory is used to store documents, but sometimes the information on it includes private and important documents (such as contracts, passports, confidential documentation,…) that should not fall into the hands of third parties. We are sure that what you did not know is that you can encrypt the information on the flash drive that you have been given by using an application like TrueCrypt on the flash drive. It is easy to use and you only have to define the password to be able to access the information, and then no one else will be able to access the files without having the appropriate password.
Turn the usb you got into a cassette tape from the 80’s
As we have previously mentioned, in the event that the personalized pen drive that a company has given you as a promotional gift is not to our liking (mainly due to the memory capacity), we propose a fun solution to bring this USB memory to life. It is about turning it into an old musical cassette from the eighties, that is, take advantage of the usb to record songs that you like from a specific era and use the usb as a “playlist” of songs that you like to listen to, or give it to a friend so that he remembers how much fun you had together at the disco listening to those songs.
As a key for your personal computer (PC or Laptop)
You can use the customs usb that you have been given as a private key of your computer. In other words, if the usb is not placed in the port, the computer will not turn on, but it is better not to lose the usb or you will not be able to access the data on your computer. To carry out this action you can use a program like Predator on the personalized pendrive that you have been given and thus the pendrive will be virtually the password that is going to be needed to access the content of the computer. If someone tries to use the computer without the usb inserted in the port, an “Access Denied” message will appear.
Use WordPress directly on a usb stick
An ideal solution for web masters who make web pages or have a blog that works with WordPress (it is a content management tool for blogs), who have to travel a lot and do not have access to the Internet as often as they would like to. able to work on your pages. Surely you did not know that WordPress can be installed on a USB key and you can take it anywhere, modifying the data and making arrangements without having to have an Internet connection. You want to know more? We recommend that you read this article that we believe may be very interesting for you.
Use the personalized pen drive to make a copy of important documents when you travel
Sometimes when we have traveled we have unfortunately lost or stolen our wallet or important documents, such as ID, passport, plane or hotel reservation information, … we suggest that whenever you travel you carry the company USB or the one you they have given you, with a copy of all the important documents and hang it on your key ring. This way you will carry everything with you and in the event that an “accident” happens to the physical documents, you will always be able to access the information stored on the USB key to solve any problem that may arise.
Always carry your iTunes library with you
One of the applications that flash drives can store and run is Apple’s iTunes application. So after installing iTunes on the usb memory and configuring an autorun file, every time you plug your usb into the port, this fantastic application will open with your entire library of songs ready to listen, wherever you are and on your computer. where you are So you will always be accompanied by your favorite music wherever you go, without having to install the application on each of the computers you work with.
Make your computer faster with the custom usb flash drive that you have been given
One of the options that allow USB memories that we know you will be interested in, is to be used as extra RAM memory. In other words, the memory of the flash drive is added to the RAM memory that your computer has and makes programs and applications work much faster. Here’s a nice tutorial that will explain how to do it, you’ll see how it doesn’t disappoint.
Conclusion: you didn’t know that customs usb drives could be used for other things than simply storing work files, or personal images or photographs? We hope you liked this post and remember that if you want to buy a personalized flash drive for your company at the best price, at we are always available to answer any questions you may have.
Why USB flash drives from china are the best gift for companies?
The China USB Flash Drive Manufacturers know this and that is why personalized USBs are the star allies in their business communication campaigns.
By use and public, customization options, visibility of the company, price and attributes associated with the brand, USB flash drives revalidate their leadership as the most valued and effective personalized gift in terms of inclusion as a star element of communication campaigns.
The marketing departments of the largest companies not only know it but have verified and ratified it with the success of their strategies, and that is why the flash drive remains at the top of the rankings in the advertising market. Here are the five definitive reasons why personalized USB flash drives have become the best option for custom gifts.
The USb Flash Drives With logo It occupies the first positions in personalized gifts most valued by users.
It is a high-impact technological product and therefore causes the best possible effect on those who receive it, allowing the company to be associated with values such as quality, exclusivity and a high level of professionalism.
Regardless of how it is personalized, the company that chooses a USB as a corporate gift is guaranteed to be successful when it comes to brand image. Likewise, it has a positive effect on relations with the company’s client or employee, and a happy client or employee is synonymous with better sales, lasting relationships and greater productivity, ultimately influencing the circle of reinforcement and improvement of corporate image of the company, as well as its economic results.
The marketing and sales departments know this and that is why personalized USBs are the star allies in their business communication campaigns.
The USB Flash Drive With Logo Are Not Just A Gift
They currently represent one of the most used advertising items by users to the extent that they cover a wide variety of audiences and fulfill their function both in the business and personal spheres, at home or even in the educational context, among others. To transfer documents, manage school and university materials, store photos, movies, as a gift at events? The uses are as extensive as the audiences that customs USBs reach are varied, which unequivocally increases the chances of success of the campaigns of those companies that place them as protagonists of their strategy.
Printed on a USB Flash Drive, branding and brand impact achieve the maximum possible diffusion.
For the reasons mentioned before, its widespread use and the variety of contexts, a personalized USB with the company logo, branding and brand impact reaches a level of visibility and impact that many other corporate items in the market do not have. market. In the context of a meeting with clients, in the event that it has been given to a client and he uses it in a meeting with a competitor company, in routine tasks with the computer at home or a moment as personal as seeing a movie saved on the flash drive? Not only does it reach more audiences, but it does so in those situations and in those scenarios where all brands want to reach in order to achieve the greatest impact.
Although a traditional advertising campaign or corporate communication has in its economic chapter one of the most limiting factors when it comes to putting on the table the objectives of scope, creativity and the multiple actions desired to make the strategy succeed, in the case of personalized USBs the situation is completely opposite. The price range of a USB flash drive and its adaptability to all types of budgets and needs is a great incentive when it comes to incorporating it into advertising campaigns. Originality, creativity and parallel actions are not conditioned, quite the opposite.
The most advanced printing techniques offer the highest quality finishes for a gift that wants to convey quality, exclusivity and professionalism, making them one of the most popular brand merchandising items for companies. Likewise, customization goes beyond the model, the combination of colors or the logo by allowing the company information to be sent to users and potential customers to be loaded onto the flash drive itself, with extensive customization possibilities as well: can autoplay, hidden, undeleteable, password protected files be uploaded? Once again, the widest range of possibilities for the advertising article with the greatest corporate power and which is on its way to revalidating its leadership in a 2022 in which technology continues to be in the spotlight and gadgets have become authentic objects of desire of the users.
Wood USB Flash Drives Factory in China
There are a thousand types of wood usb flash drives manufacturers in China that sell stick Wooden USBs, and it is true that some of these stores (mostly online) dedicate most of their efforts to trying to sell the maximum number of wooden pendrives and totally neglect quality of these same.
This happens because USBs are products whose quality is very difficult to judge with the naked eye (at least at an electronic level) and therefore customers usually assume it, but the truth is that the quality of pen drives can be decisive in factors such as durability or charging speed. Who has not had a flash drive stop working? Think twice before buying your flash drive because you can lose important information.

China Wood USB Flash Drive Factory manufacturers
Once we have clarified the importance of the quality of our USB Flash drives, we should assess what type of wood we want to engrave our usb logo on, it may not be as crucial an element as the electronic guarantee, but if what we are looking for is that the pendrive of wood lasts as long as possible, we should also look closely at the type of wood and its resistance, since not only in durability, but at first glance nuances that denote quality or lack thereof can already be seen.
Assessing these two factors, electronic and wood, we will be able to choose our wooden pendrive from a range of possibilities and stores… will the price greatly influence the quality of our USB?
USB Wood Flash Drives With Logo Service in China
One thing is obvious, the price matters, but as we have already mentioned, in the case of usb flash drives, many vendors take advantage in both directions, both by selling standard quality pen drives at gold prices, and by offering too low quality pen drives at low prices. very cheap prices. When it comes to flash drives, there is a middle ground, since no one can offer cheap personalized USB sticks and promise quality, while there is almost no difference in quality between a normal USB stick and a very expensive one (beyond its capacity), you will only be paying the added value of the brand.
The key is to find a reliable product/store that offers a reasonable price and that guarantees good quality. It seems like a difficult task, but in reality, almost all web pages that offer pen drive customization tend to have a minimum of quality, although we repeat, yes. it is too cheap: distrust. That is why, taking into account the added value that personalization entails, we recommend buying pen drives that range between $2 and $3 dollars.
Another variable for the price is the method of personalization of the flash drive, but again this is not why we should turn without knowledge to the cheapest option, since although in the photo of the web pages everything always looks good, at the time of The truth is that when you receive your personalized wooden flash drive, there is a vast difference between those who bought a personalization with a sticker or a print and those who paid for a professional engraving on the wood.
Why buy Usb Flash Drives From China?
Focusing now on the personalization of usb flash drives, there are many situations in which buying custom pen drives wholesale may be the best choice to please whoever you give it to, either because you want to personalize pen drives for a wedding and distribute them among the guests or because you want distribute promotional pen drives to have a gift with your employees or clients, usb flash drives are a tool that anyone uses in their day to day and it doesn’t matter who you give it to, you’re sure to get it right.
Custom USB Flash Drive Manufacturers in China
USB sticks or Custom USB Flash Drives are still relevant in any office, at any job and in any home. And it seems that they will continue to be.
That’s why when it comes to doing a marketing campaign, giving away promotional USBs is a very good idea to make a brand. The same as delivering the works in these supports.
Reasons to buy custom usb flash drives in China
The inevitable ubiquity and ease of handling of USB flash drives is what makes it so successful as a promotional item to advertise a brand. Marketers know this and it is one of the most demanded promotional gifts for several reasons:
▷ Although these memories have been used as gifts for a long time, they are still a very original promotional action compared to classic promotions such as posters, leaflets, brochures, pens… These memories always attract attention and impact the recipient.
▷ Another reason that these USB sticks are so good for branding is that they can be personalized in very creative ways. It is no longer the classic usb. There are many ways and forms that these small personalized USB sticks can acquire. Card type, key-shaped. leather, wood… At the end of the post we give you ideas.
You can even go further and have the personalized pen drive and its packaging match the color of your company. And you can even adapt the shape you want for these promotional usb sticks. Lots of ideas for marketing to make an impact.
▷ It is affordable. In fact, a positive advantage of this type of gift is that it seems like a more expensive gift than it really is. And if you use it continuously as a promotion for your company and make a large order, it will be cheaper. Personalized USB sticks are an inexpensive gift.
▷ Suitable for all audiences. It is valid for any sector and any person, since these pen drives are used on a regular basis both in the work environment and at home.
▷ They are portable. And they are usually carried on top. Every time they use it, your brand will be present. They are also shared a lot for file sharing so it is seen by a lot of people.
▷ It is a technological gift. You are associating your brand with a value product. In addition, it is a very practical gift that the client knows how to appreciate.
And now you will think, but with cloud storage nobody uses these flash memories anymore. Fake. The cloud and usb flash drives are fully compatible and usb flash drives continue to sell like hot cakes.
Why Companies are still buying USB Flash Drives from Our Factory in China?
In our China USB Flash Drive Factory we think that Cloud or cloud storage cannot provide all the benefits that USB flash drives provide. They are, today, two complementary storage methods. These are some differences. Storing in the cloud requires an internet connection. USB stick no. USBs are a physical and safe storage to save data.
They also last a long time, are small, portable and easy to use. Storage in the cloud has its conditions due to price or use of space, while if you buy a USB you know that it will last a long time. In addition, they are becoming cheaper and have greater storage capacity.
You can use pen drives in many ways since from a USB memory you can run applications without having them installed on the computer. You can watch movies, play music… The main advantage of the cloud is that it is excellent for sharing data. That is why they are two complementary storage methods because each one has a specific use.
When to buy Custom USB Sticks From Chinese Manufacturers
Giving a Custom pen drive or USB is always a very good idea because apart from being a useful gift, it can include promotional content.
Not everything is online marketing. These personalized memories are an ideal complement to any branding campaign.
➞ Give away a personalized USB instead of a business card. Instead of handing out business cards, you can hand out a USB with a portfolio with your best works or your best clients or your strengths.
➞ At an event, at a conference or in any course or master. In many congresses or courses they give you folders, pens, sheets of paper, even caps. Why not a flash drive with the conference agenda or slides, for example?
➞ If you are a company or organization that deals with the press, you can include all the information in a small USB and deliver it before a presentation. The same if you are a start up.
➞ A Custom flash drive is the best for creative video, photography, sound, design or web creation companies. Delivering the works on personalized usb is a smart idea.
➞ In the education sector. A nursery can give away personalized usb drives when the little ones finish the cycle with their work and photos. Surely that usb will be shown by those proud parents to many friends. The same for cycle completions in the delivery of borders or for end-of-course functions. A very good advertising idea.
➞ At weddings and other family events. If you are in charge of covering either a wedding or communion in photography or video, what better than delivering the work in a personalized USB that you know family and friends will see. Even on the part of the bride and groom, a nice detail would be to deliver that video or photos on a USB to the guests.
➞ Any company should submit a summary when a job is finished. And better than writing it on paper or sending it by email, you can include the dossier in Customs USB.
USB Stick As Promotional USB ideas
To finish, we are going to see how we can stand out by giving away personalized USB flash drives to give our marketing and our brand a boost. Here are some examples.
Gift usb with 3d shapes
These USBs can be made for almost any motif. If you are a construction company, why not give potential clients a USB in the shape of a helmet? Or in the form of a camera you dedicate yourself to photography.
USB with the colors of your brand
If your brand stands out for a color, such as the red of Coca-Cola, it is a good idea that your USB is the same color to strengthen the brand design.
USB as business cards
Ideal to give away at any event, such as a wedding, with the most outstanding photo captured on the USB. It is also a good way to leave your “business card” with your work inside if you are going to do a campaign for various companies.
Leather usb Flash Drives
A premium gift. Giving away this type of personalized USB gives a lot of cache to your brand.
USB made of wood or recycled plastic
Very original and very pretty. As those made in leather stand out.
USB Flash drives like pens
Doubly practical and very original. Some include a touch pointer at the top to type comfortably from the mobile or tablet. Very complete gift for important clients.
These are some examples but there are many ways to advertise our brand with these small customs USB flash drives. You can give away classic, metallic, key-bracelet-shaped usb.
You know, if you want to start a branding campaign, there is nothing better than ordering some promotional USBs to gain notoriety and stand out a little from your competition, apart from pampering your current and future customers with a good gift.
China Factory Of Custom Techonlogical Gifts
In our USB Flash Drive factory in China We think that Company details are a great option both to retain customers and to thank workers for their work and involvement. They can be adapted to different tastes, preferences and brand images, so it is easy to find the one that best suits the company.
Gadgets are one of the preferred alternatives since they are constantly used: USBs to manage files, power banks to save the battery of a mobile or tablet in a hurry… For this reason, in this post we want to give you some examples of original technological gifts for that you can surprise your recipients.
Multi-function custom speakers Factory in China
It is becoming more and more common to have bluetooth speakers With Logo in the office or on the desk at home to play music while working. As with any device, these evolve and new features are added and, in this case, we find several interesting ones. There are some speakers that already have a base to be able to put the mobile in case you want to watch a video, others that have a microphone that allows you to control the functions remotely and even allow you to answer calls. You will find some models designed for different environments, such as those designed for outdoors and even waterproof ones to take to the beach or the pool.
There are also those that have an alarm clock function… In short, speakers no longer only allow you to listen to songs or podcasts but also adapt to other needs. ear headphones with microphone Following the line of speakers in terms of original technological gifts, we find this proposal. On this occasion, these gadgets incorporate a microphone to be able to answer calls.
They are very practical since, due to their small size, they are easy to transport and they already have this accessory integrated, so their comfort is the most valuable feature. They are, without a doubt, the perfect gift for those who are constantly on the go and need to take calls frequently.
China Factory Of Smartwatch and activity bracelets
A type of merchandising that, over the years, is becoming essential. Conventional watches have practically gone to the level of being one more accessory such as a bracelet. On the other hand, this object for the wrist is already mandatory to have additional functions in addition to telling the time. For this reason, two options arise: activity bracelets and smartwatches. The first ones are very simple, cheap and allow you to control the time as well as your heart rate, calories burned, distances traveled… They are linked to your smartphone and, through an app, you can keep track of everything.
The seconds, on the other hand, are more complete. In addition to being able to carry the same features as the previous gadget, they can have apps installed that allow you to answer calls, messages, Whatsapps, pay with a credit card… They are like an extension of the mobile phone but without having to constantly take it out to carry out these operations.
China Factory of Webcam covers with logo
Simple but effective. Over time, there has been a growing awareness of having to cover the laptop’s built-in webcam as a precaution. Even Mark Zuckerberg himself, founder of Facebook, does it.
At a corporate level, it is much better to deliver a cover with the company logo, since, at an image level, it is more attractive than using a tape and, on the advertising side, customers will always remember us when they are using their computer. Therefore, it is a great idea to incorporate them since, even with their low price, they offer effective protection.
usb-hub Factory in China
Despite advances in connectivity, USB will continue to be important. Laptops already include bluetooth and, as we have mentioned in other original technological gifts such as speakers, wireless is in fashion. However, small computers have few USB ports, and if you need to plug in multiple accessories, there will be a problem. The solution, simple: the hubs China Factory with logo service.
These are small gadgets that have multiple ports but only need to be plugged into one. So to speak, it is the equivalent of the power strips for this type of connection. Therefore, having one on hand can save you from more than one hurry.
Wheat Fiber Wireless Chargers China Factory
We finish our post about technological ideas to give away with a simple detail that will serve to transmit brand image. Wireless chargers are a growing trend as they allow greater convenience when recharging batteries. Likewise, the great advantage is that the deterioration of the connection between the cable and the station is avoided since it can be left plugged in.
However, in this recommendation an additional key factor must be added: its wheat carcass. This sustainable material is perfect for launching a message about the brand’s values in terms of caring for the planet. Likewise, it is possible to find it both with support (to watch videos while) and without it.
And here our post. We hope that our tips have been useful whether you want to give these details to customers, employees or the recipient of your choice. If you are looking for gifts in this area, we invite you to visit our technological merchandising section. On the other hand, if you want to give us your own ideas, suggestions or have any questions, do not hesitate to use the comment box at the bottom.
What is he difference between a USB 2.0 and 3.0?
In our China USB Flash Drive Factory We produce USB gadgets, especially those that make our lives easier (and often make great corporate gifts). To optimize its use, it is convenient to know all its characteristics well. Today we want to look at the differences between a USB 2.0 and another 3.0: what do they mean for the most commonly used devices and when is it worth choosing one or the other.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a computer engineer or a manual early adopter. With a little notion, you can choose the most suitable product for your purposes, either for your own consumption or to make a corporate gift. USB 2.0 and 3.0 are the most common on the market.
The 4.0 is still taking off and is not yet common on the market. To know their differences well and decide which one to opt for, you have to look at a series of elements that we are going to analyze in this post.
The first thing is to situate ourselves. USB 2.0 are already authentic veterans, they began to be used in the year 2000. In recent years they have been giving way to 3.0. So if your flash drive is relatively recent it will be in the second category in all probability.
IF you have an old gadget, don’t worry. Here the scheduled obsolescence is not something to take into account, it will simply work a little slower with certain files that are very large.
Where do I begin to distinguish a USB 2.0 and a 3.0?
In this case, we can say that appearances are not deceiving. Visually we can differentiate them at first sight. How?
By the color of the connection:
Black for USB 2.0
Blue for USB 3.0
We recently detailed these differences in a post. So there you can find more details on how to appreciate these visual nuances. If we go into operational issues, it is in the data transfer speed where we see the clearest differences between USB 2.0 and 3.0.
This capacity especially influences if we are talking about very heavy files: high-quality images or videos. It’s tempting to always go faster to save time. But if you really have a gadget for the most basic functions with a 2.0 you won’t lose competitiveness. To make a quick comparison and not get dizzy with very technical data, USB 3.0 can be up to ten times faster.
The high transfer speeds are only really noticeable when you’re working with the largest files and need to move them from one device to another. For example, consider a professional photographer or videographer who needs to quickly transfer jobs and gain time in their workdays. By the way, these two variants of USBs are backwards compatible.
That is, gadgets 3.0 work without problems in connections designed for 2.0. So you don’t have to suffer if you want to make the jump to a more modern device. Of course, you will not be able to benefit from its speed advantages, so keep this in mind if you work with the aforementioned heavy files.
USB 2.0 and 3.0 power and connections
We live dependent on batteries. It is a reality of our days. Many of us have connections to charging systems through a USB connection. Well, as with higher quality image and video files, 3.0 devices load faster, almost twice as fast. Apart from the question of speed, when it comes to charging batteries, 3.0 connections are better at replenishing power to devices that require more power.
They are also better if we leave the gadget connected to the electrical current, but we do not use it, and thus there is no discharge or it is much less than if a 2.0 is used. It is also important to note the differences in connection types that each class of USB has.
The 2.0 use the same way to send and receive information. So it’s best to just do one thing or the other to make the most of its capabilities. In contrast, the 3.0 allows you to perform both tasks at the same time.
We have reached the final section of the post, so let’s go with the million dollar question: what type of USB connection should I choose? It will depend on what you want it for. If you are going to work or you know that your audience only works with documents that take up little space —words, excels, pdfs…—, then with a 2.0 you can be more than satisfied. On the other hand, if you work with videos, images or other files that take up a lot, don’t think about it, opt for 3.0. These tips are perfectly applicable when choosing a corporate gift that is a gadget with a USB connection.
In our USB Flash Drive Factory in China you will find both alternatives. You will see that the 2.0 are cheaper as a general rule. So, if your audience is among the people who don’t work with very large files, they can be an interesting option for your next campaign. In any case, you opt for one option or the other, the success of your campaign with these advertising gifts is practically guaranteed.
Think that they fulfill one of the main maxims of these gifts: they are very useful for our day to day. We’d also like to hear about your experiences using USB 2.0 and 3.0. Of course, if you have any doubts or want to learn more about how to prepare a campaign with these corporate gifts, you can contact us. In any case, we leave you open the comments section.
The USB Credit Card Flash Drive
If there is something that makes you fall in love with usb credit cards flash drives, it is undoubtedly their size. In two aspects: how small it is physically and the large space it houses inside. Easy to carry, put in a pocket or hang on a keyring, the advertising USB is undoubtedly a jewel of technology. Therein lies one of the many reasons why it has risen to the top of the podium of advertising gifts. From the classic shape to the USB bracelet through metallic flash drives, with rotating casing or with a cover, countless options allow companies to get their ideal corporate gadget. And among all of them, there is a modality that continues to triumph, and a lot: USB memory cards. In this post we explain why! Keep reading…
Shapes, sizes, printing options, facilities… the list of advantages that personalized USB memory cards offer to both companies and customers is very long. Here are some of the most important, and that make up the spectrum of reasons why this type of advertising USB cards continue to triumph in the business gift market.
- The print area: Compared to their brothers, the personalized pen drives, USB cards start with a great advantage: the surface available for printing. Not just the logo, but an entire design or even a complete photograph. A great plus for the company that seeks a great impact with its corporate gifts in the public.
- Card size: One of the points with which marketing can play the most is the fact that this type of USB memory resembles a business card. A rectangular and thin shape that can be easily stored in a wallet, a pocket, in a card holder or wherever the customer needs, even a drawer. On a stand of an event or company fair, they will look great with the logo, too. With the size of custom usb cards the device is easily found and not lost. Great!
- Photographic quality: At the level of printing and impact, one of the great advantages of personalized USB memory cards lies in the fact that it allows you to print full color photographs. A perfect use for those who decide to use them for events or as reminders of a special date: company events, weddings, excursions and school events… While the external size is a big plus, the internal size is no slouch. The capacities of personalized USB cards compete with their brothers, the corporate pen drives, in terms of limits and possibilities. That is why they have a prominent position in the personalized gifts market.
It is clear that the possibilities offered by USB memory cards in terms of printing, size and impact, are very remarkable. It is a classic that companies continue to use and for good reason: the great results they offer. Especially in the sense that the range of customization is high, the cost is low, and the impact is highly effective. For example, just like conventional advertising usb sticks, cheap personalized usb cards offer a wide range of models to choose from. Let’s see some:
- Rotating: Very similar to the classic but with one important difference: the USB memory connector rotates on itself as it is joined by the central part. At the printing level, the same advantages: the entire surface, on both sides and 300 dpi photographic quality. A great idea to surprise and give an image… in full color!
- Other forms: In addition to the classic one USB Cards Flash Drives China Factory can be personalized with other shapes, such as square or round personalized usb cards. A way to be able to play with the logo and the image in creative, surprising and groundbreaking ways.
- With message: Sometimes advertising usb cards can include a message. This is what happens with the wooden USB cards, perfect for those companies that seek to give a brand image committed to the environment, for which ecology is a central concern. A subtle and very effective branding.
- The little ones: Although USB cards already have a very comfortable size, there is also the option of advertising mini USB cards that will delight any client, worker or follower of a brand.
For multiple reasons and one very important one: price, personalized USB flash drives continue to triumph. Contact us and get yours!